Holy Hearts has been recognized by the Diocese of Tyler since 2005. Our founding families worked closely with priests in the Diocese to establish a group in union with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, primarily to the Holy See of Peter, and to the Diocesan Bishop.
Our purpose and core values are to encourage and support a foundation for our Catholic Homeschool community through:
Each month members design activities centered around our core values.
On the first Friday of the month, we meet to practice our FAITH through the celebration of Mass at 12:05pm at the Chapel of Sts. Peter and Paul. Following Mass, as a FAMILY we gather for FELLOWSHIP with our homeschool community through a fun picnic and virtue session at Pollard Park (Inclement weather location TBD following the Mass - meet outside the chapel cry room).
In addition to our monthly meetings, we have various events and playdates throughout the year. We are only as strong as our members - we ask for families to volunteer to host/plan/organize events from field trips to feast day celebrations. Will you answer the call?
Please check out our academic calendar for updates on events/details!
Holy Hearts families are diverse and use different homeschool curriculums. We encourage families to determine what model works best for them and we support one another through the process. Many curriculum specific groups in our Diocese are also members of Holy Hearts; see additional resources below.
We hope to see you soon!
12:05pm Mass at Sts. Peter and Paul - 1435 E SE Loop 323, Tyler, TX
Followed by a Picnic Lunch at Pollard Park with Virtue Lesson(s)
710 E Amherst Dr, Tyler, TX
Please let us know if you can answer the call to host/plan/organize a Holy Hearts event!
On the first Friday of each month, Holy Hearts encourages all families to participate in Holy Mass as a group. The time and location for the 2021-2022 school year is the 12:05 p.m. celebration at the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul on Loop 323 in Tyler.
To show unity and foster a sense of community, let’s sit together on the left side near the front of the church.
Afterwards when weather permits, please make plans to drive to nearby Pollard Park off New Copeland Road for a picnic lunch. This time will allow our children to socialize with one another, hopefully resulting in friendships.
As an added bonus, each month we will focus on a particular virtue with a short lesson.
Our Back-to-School Mass will be celebrated during the September First Friday Mass at the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul.
Afterwards, all students will be treated to a free Kona Ice (snow cone) at Pollard Park.
Please join us!
Homeschooling field trips have a dual purpose: to broaden knowledge though personal experiences and to provide social interactions between homeschooling families. Information for these outings will be generally posted to the website, as a way to save-the-dates.
Each field trip will have its own particular set of details and may require an RSVP by a specific date. Please be aware of the specifics before committing. Some places are free; others charge admission. Some places require tickets to be purchased in advance; some you can just pay at the door. Some places have age restrictions.
Invitations with Field Trip details will be e-mailed to registered members.
Holy Hearts has traditionally celebrated All Saints Day, the Epiphany, St. Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and the crowning of Our Blessed Mother Mary in May. While we definitely want to continue these annual favorites, we want to also encourage families to host smaller-scaled feast day celebrations, either in their homes, at local parks, or at one of the many Catholic churches in our diocese.
Celebrations can include stories, games, crafts, and possibly snacks. Be creative, or keep it simple. It’s all up to the host. Just remember, there are many great websites, like Catholic Icing, with lots of wonderful ideas!
Do you have a favorite saint? Please share your love for him or her with the group by sponsoring a feast day celebration!
Field Trips:
2022-23 dates TBD
Please check back for updates
The Calendar will be updated periodically throughout the year. Please check back for updates. Registered Holy Hearts members will receive e-mail invitations to RSVP for Field Trips, Feast Day Celebrations, and 'pop-up' Playdates.
1. Through prayer, charity, and concrete acts, we will support other Catholic families as we teach our children and together journey toward our heavenly home to reach our goal to see the Beatific Vision, to behold God face-to-face. (CCC 1, 27, 44, 1655, 1878-9, 1893, 1946, 1948, 2208)
2. Adult and student members should use self-control and be respectful of others, including opinions expressed.
a) Intentional physical injury at activities is unacceptable.
b) Verbal abuse occurring at activities or through email, correspondence, phone calls, text messaging, or social media postings by adult or student members is unacceptable. Charity must govern all communication between members.
These behaviors offend Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, and St. Joseph, the patrona of Holy Hearts. Prohibiting these actions is in keeping with the Diocese of Tyler Safe Environment program. (CCC 1804, 1806-7, 1811, 1823, 2196 & Romans 13:8-10)
3. As temples of God, at activities in-person or online: adult and student members should be modestly attired (CCC 2524)
4. Parents are the primary educators of their children. If you see your student behaving inappropriately, give appropriate discipline/correction. Non-parents, if you see a situation, with charity, inform the responsible parent as soon as possible. If the situation warrants quick action, with charity, step in directly, then inform the responsible parent as soon as possible. (CCC 1601, 1652-3, 2217, 2223, 2226, 2229 & Col 3:20)
Diocese of Tyler

Our mission is to serve the people living within the diocese, supporting parish priests and the people in our parish and school communities to worship and live according to Gospel values and to evangelize within their local communities through the witness of their lives.

A Teaching Diocese
Consistent with the command from the Spirit for St. Philip the Evangelist to teach the Ethiopian in the chariot, Bishop Joseph Strickland announced that the Diocese of Tyler would be a teaching diocese. In his Constitution on Teaching the Catholic Faith, he founded the St. Philip Institute and charged it with providing the parishes of the diocese with the materials, expertise, and support to perform the mission of teaching as outlined in the Constitution. The institute is unique, however, in that our focus is not limited to the roots of the diocese. We also intend to branch out in the global Catholic community and become a model diocese with a teaching structure worthy of emulation.
The products we publish are standard in the diocese and available for purchase.

Catholic Schoolhouse is a supplemental program designed to help homeschool families enrich their educational experience through a flexible approach to learning inspired by classical elements, presented in a structured environment. Grammar students study the same topics at all ages creating family unity. The whole family has a place at Catholic Schoolhouse. Older students in the dialectic and rhetoric stage meet for discussion and activities that are best done in a group setting–all focusing on helping them become effective Catholic adults.
Catholic Schoolhouse is more than a day out of the house; it can help bring structure and cohesiveness to your entire homeschool experience and will bless your family! We would love to have you join our community.
Ready to register? Check out our member registration page and fill out the online application.
Need more information? Please contact us!
Catholic Schoolhouse is loyal to the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.

The mission of Mothers in Christ is to provide ongoing spiritual nourishment and community for Catholic women called into the vocation of motherhood in the Diocese of Tyler.
[Click the Link above to join their private Facebook group.]

Since 1986, THSC and its members have worked to keep the freedom of Texas families to raise and educate their own children.
We believe raising children is a family’s God-given right and calling;
We believe in empowering parents to raise and educate the next generation of leaders;
We believe a loving family home is the best environment for children;
And we believe homeschooling is one of the best models for educating children.
We’ll help you take the guesswork out of homeschooling so you can enjoy the journey. With member benefits like a homeschool starter kit, planning tools, resources, and expert homeschool coaches, you are sure to thrive.Â
How can we serve you?

Every child is different and should have the freedom to learn in a safe, loving environment at their own pace.
We partner with our 100,000 member families, donors, homeschool leaders, legislators, and others who want to protect this freedom.
We’ve been trusted for over 35 years to advance and protect homeschool freedom in the courts, legislatures, and in the court of public opinion.
We equip parents with resources, educational consultants, and Compassion grants because we love homeschooling and want more families to experience it.
We know the benefits and challenges of homeschooling personally—most of our staff are homeschool parents and grads.

The Catholic Sprouts Podcast has one goal:Â to plant one little seed of faith each and every day.
The daily five minute episodes are perfect for young listeners. Each episode discusses an important aspect of our Catholic Faith in a way that appeals directly to children and ends with a daily challenge to help them apply what they learned.
New episodes are available each weekday. Â They are perfect for use in the classroom or the home, and for children of all ages.
Along with sharing all of the feast days from the Roman Calendar, each week we will tackle a new theme, usually drawn from the liturgical season. Â The theme will be developed a little bit more each day and by the end of the week you should have plenty to think about and discuss with the children in your life.

Regina Caeli Academy is looking to move to Tyler, Texas

Holy Hearts is committed to creating a connection of encouragement and support within the Catholic homeschool community throughout the Diocese of Tyler through FAITH, FAMILY, and FELLOWSHIP.
Do you have a question?
We would love to hear from you, so please, do not hesitate to connect with us!
Membership to Holy Hearts is FREE. There may be events throughout the year that members may wish to contribute cash to cover expenses.